Sparky #3 Yellow Labrador Retriever Female 5 Years Old ID #3529
March 19, 2025
Sparky is back to her FH after her spay and dental surgery yesterday. The vet said that everything went well and she was such a good girl! They were pleased that they only had to remove the one broken tooth.
Sparky was excited to take the ride home and sat so nice. She is happy to be back on her bed!
She will take it easy for the next few days.
March 9, 2024
Sparky had a vet appointment this week to check her ears. She still has ear infections, so she is on an antibiotic for another week. She is also taking an antibiotic for her skin. It is already looking so much better, and she doesn’t seem to be itching as much.
We continue to provide strategies for her when we have to leave the house. She has her days when she gets panicked when we leave.
She loves car rides and hops right in. She went to visit FM’s family. She was a bit reluctant to go in the house and was nervous at first and then settled. She was so good with the children ages 4 through 10. She wagged her tail as they gave her lots of attention!
She loves this weather, playing out back, and of course, going for walks!
Her spay surgery is scheduled for March 17th, and they will also pull a broken canine tooth. She will be available after her recovery! She will make such a wonderful companion.
March 2, 2025
This happy girl continues to love her new life.
Sparky was excited to be outside with the nicer weather. She takes daily walks and has also enjoyed a few walks at our local park. She passes people on the path nicely. We also have made progress with peeing on our walks. She was only going when she had free roam of the fenced-in yard. She does get excited when she sees a squirrel or rabbit. She likes to patrol the yard every morning to ensure nothing gets past the fence!
She is very clingy with FM and wants to always be with her humans. She gets so excited when we meet her at the door to let her in. The leaping in the video makes us laugh every time!
February 20, 2025
Sparky went to the shore for the weekend. She rides so nicely in the car. She loves to look out the window. The new environment was a bit of transition for her. She is used to our fenced in yard and had difficulty going potty on the leash.
She has been having so much fun playing with resident dogs. She loves to chase and wrestle! Her favorite thing is to follow foster mom or someone that is home around! She loves to snuggle and stay in any room with someone. She loves people and shows so much love.
She has shown some separation anxiety. We are finding that when foster mom leaves an old sweatshirt of hers on Sparky’s bed it helps her to snuggle and relax. Sparky’s spay is scheduled for March 12th and then she will be looking for her forever family.
She also rolled over this week for some belly rubs! She is the sweetest!
February 14, 2025
Sparky received her special box from Brookline this week. She had so much fun smelling all the amazing toys and treats! The tennis balls seem to be her favorite.
We truly appreciate all the volunteers who help make this possible for the foster dogs in Brookline.
She also enjoyed playing in the snow while it lasted. She loved running around and rolling in the snow!
She visited the vet this week and the poor girl has ear infections and allergies. Her scabs are continuing to heal. She was such a good girl at the vet and got lots of love and treats.
She has been doing well while we aren’t home. We have left her with our dogs for up to four hours, and she has free roam of our downstairs.
Sparky is so sweet and loves to snuggle and rest her head on us!
February 5, 2025
Sparky has been with us for over a week now and we are enjoying her more each day. She is such a loving girl.
She got another bath and is smelling so much better. Leaving that farm smell behind! She has some scab spots that look to be healing on her back and legs. She goes back to the vet next week so we will see what they think. She is less anxious about the unfamiliar things. We are hoping to take her to the local park for a walk and socializing.
She continues to have fun playing with our other dogs and going for walks. She likes to stay right by us when walking. Sparky is a beautiful loving girl.
January 29, 2025
Sparky continues to adjust to life off the farm. We were so happy to see her begin to play with our 2-year-old lab. They have been running and chasing around our backyard. It was so exciting to see her have so much fun.
She is still gaining our trust and she is not so scared now if we approach her from the front. Loud and unfamiliar noises still seem to startle her. She didn’t mind the vacuum and has been better with going into a room with the TV on. She loves to lay on her bed. She always finds a sunspot to relax in. She is working on potty training and doing well! She is beginning to learn commands like sit, stop, and come.
Enjoy watching her play in this video!
January 28, 2025
Sparky is such a wonderful dog. She loves being with people and follows us wherever we go! She slept well again for night #2. She loves the comforts of her bed! She walks well on the leash during our walks. She loves to look all around and take it all in!
She was great with company during the Eagles game. The TV is not scaring her as much. She is startled by quick moments and some noises but she is definitely adjusting and getting used to her new life.
She continues to go up and down steps with ease. She spent her first few hours alone today in her crate. She did great!
She truly is a love bug!
Video of Sparky exploring our backyard.
January 26, 2025
Sparky is a 5-year-old female PB yellow lab. She is 80 pounds.
Sparky was great on the long ride from the farm to her foster home in NJ. She met our two resident dogs and they are all getting along well. She has been eating well and enjoyed a long walk this morning. She slept great on her bed and she has been going in and out of her crate at her own leisure. Sparky has done great going up and down steps and in and out of doorways. She does not seem to know her name. She is a little skittish with noises and unfamiliar things like the TV. She is such a sweet girl and so gentle when taking treats. She definitely likes to eat! With time and patience, she is learning and adjusting to life off the farm.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638
PA Kennel License #05190