Sugar #5 Black Labrador Retriever Female 3 Years Old ID # 2754

May 14, 2020

Hi everyone!

Sugar here checking in!!!!😀 I am just learning how to use the keyboard with my paws so I sometimes push a key for too long, hence the many exclamation points.  Life is good here in Central Pa, we are still on stay at home orders.  My foster dad says we are still in the red, and not sure when yellow will come.  I really enjoy my foster family being at home.  We take walks, play outside, and hang out. I love walks, especially when I think I can chase squirrels, rabbits, and birds. Well, hope everyone is hanging in there, and please be safe!

May 1, 2020

black labrador retriever

Hi! This is Sugar checking in with you all.  I hope you are all doing well, and staying safe during quarantine!  I’ve been taking life easy, and loving that my foster dad doesn’t leave for work!  Can’t figure out why for sure, but I am ok with it.  Here are two new pictures which were after my afternoon walk!  Talk to u later!

black labrador retriever


April 13, 2020

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I have checked in, but don’t worry I am doing just fine during the pandemic.  I have been hanging with my foster canine siblings, and my foster family.  Getting lots of walks, and attention since everyone is home.  Please take care!!

black labrador retriever

March 23, 2020

This is Sugar, and I know it’s been awhile since I have checked in.  All is well here during our stay at home time, and social distancing.  My foster family and I are hanging in there, and trying to do our part.  My foster family said I am not going to go up for adoption until after the limitations are lifted due to the virus.  I hope all of you are hanging in there and be safe!

Black Labrador Retriever

March 9, 2020

This is Sugar checking in!  All is well here. I have recovered really well from my spay surgery. I am working on a couple things with my foster dad so I can find my forever home.  I walk pretty well, but do pull occasionally so we are working on that.  I also still get a bit jumpy with noises and quick movements so I am working on that as well.  My foster dad says it’s not a real big deal, but a little more work would be great!

black labrador retriever

February 26, 2020

Hi, this is Sugar here!  I want to update you all on how I am doing, and some things about my personality.  First of all, I am doing well. I came out my surgery, and have been healing really well, and haven’t missed a beat.  I love walks with my foster sisters, and my foster family.  They use a harness on me, and it keeps me from pulling too much. I do get excited, and want to walk with them so I pull a little but not all the time.  I don’t love being in the crate but I understand that I need to be in there because when I am left alone I like to chew things apart.  I will go in my crate, but I usually need a piece a cheese to get me in.  The time I am in there depends on whether it’s a weekday or weekend. During the week, my foster dad teaches during the day.  I  LOVE my foster dad, but would most likely  prefer being with someone that is home more during the day!  We usually go for a long walk during the afternoon or evening.  I do like other dogs, but feel a little restricted while in my harness.  I enjoy different people old and young, but I do like to crawl up calmly to their face level.  I am sometimes shy especially if there is a lot of commotion, but I have not had any problems with new people. I do love to eat, and which means if there is a meal on the counter I will find it, and I am sometimes very stealthy.  My foster dad is pretty smart so he does not keep the trash can within my reach, and keeps most things back on the counter.  I love my Hoomans, I am like Velcro.  If they get up, I get up. I want to make sure I see them.  I will lay down, and calm down when we are all together, and I love attention.  At night, I sleep some on my dog bed at the foot of my foster dad’s bed, and also sleep on his bed.  Well that’s about it for now!!!

February 20, 2020

Black Labrador Retriever

This is sugar checking in after my surgery.  The vet and my foster dad said all went well with me being spayed.  I am recovering nicely.  They said about two weeks of recovery time.

February 2, 2020

black labrador retriever

black labrador retriever

January 15, 2020

black labrador retriever

This is Sugar checking in from my foster home.  I am still in foster care waiting to be spayed in mid February.  I love my Hooman’s, I follow them everywhere they go and I also love my foster canine sisters.  I enjoy walks and I am doing well with house training.  I still get scared of new things but I am learning and doing well.

black labrador retriever

December 24, 2019

Black Labrador Retriever

Hi my name is Sugar and I was rescued on December 14.  I am about 3 years old.  I want to say I am so happy to be with my foster family over the holiday season.  I loved my foster brother who is 20 and my foster sister who is 17.  I also enjoy my foster canine sisters Sadie and Grace.  We all get along really well.  As for me I love walks and I’m doing pretty well with a harness.  I am doing well with house training and haven’t had an accident in a while. I do go in my crate but I need to be coxed with food.  Yesterday I went to the vet and I am told I will be spayed on feb 17th not sure what that means but my foster family said it will be ok.  Happy holidays!

December 20, 2019

Sugar is doing very well in her foster home.  She gets along well with my other dogs.  Sugar is walking with a  harness and doing okay.  Her potty training is working and she has not had any accidents lately.  Sugar goes to the vet on Monday, December 23,  to see about getting spayed.  More to come soon.

December 4, 2019

I picked up Sugar on Wednesday night.  She was on a farm and seems to enjoy the indoors. She is eating and drinking well.  She has had a few accidents but is doing ok.  She is friendly and gets along well with my dogs.  l expected her to take longer to acclimate but she has done really well at night and will go in crate when led by food but would rather be out.  She walks pretty well with a harness and loves sniffing on walks.

No more pups for this young lady. Next on the docket is for her to be spayed.  Stay tuned for updates.  Here she is (in red collar) on day one making some new friends at her transporter’s house.yellow and black Labrador Retriever


Adopt Your New Best Friend! 

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638