Sydney Yellow Labrador Retriever Female 12 years old
February 13, 2019
Sydney is available and is looking for her furever home! Sydney has a lot of pep in her step for a girl her age. She loves to go for walks and is happy to walk at a brisk pace. She is also perfectly happy to sniff every new scent she comes across in a more leisurely pace if you prefer. Sydney grew up around children and is patient and loving with them. She is good with all dogs. She lived with a small dog in her previous home and has gotten along fabulously with our two resident labs. At the dog park she was good with everyone she met both canine and human. Sydney lived with a cat and her owners reported it was not unusual to find them snoozing together.
February 6, 2019
Hi it’s me Sydney! I really like it here at FM and FD’s house. Bella and I are now BFF’s. We get to go on walks with FM while Buddy goes off on expeditions with FD. He gets to go to the dog park to roughhouse with his friends there. The last couple of days he has come back covered in mud. Not for me, thanks. I’m far too much of a lady to do that. And Buddy, well Buddy is just such a guy. I like him and we get along great but he’s just such a guy.
Today I have a Dr’s appointment. I guess I’m running out of the yummy chewy treat that keeps me from leaving wet spots everyplace I go. I don’t leave any wet spots as long as I eat the treats and nobody gets upset with me so what the heck. How can you go wrong? Yummy treats that keep you out of trouble? I’m in!
The last couple of days have been really nice. I do like my walks and they tire me out just enough that I come home and take nice long naps. I haven’t seen any kids since I left my old home and I kind of miss them.
Well we are getting ready to go for a ride to the Dr’s. Have I told you how much I like to ride in the car? At least once I get up in the darn thing! I’ll let you know what the Dr. says as soon as we get back.
Bye for now!
Hi again! Just back from the vet. He was very nice. I was a bit nervous at first but
decided to let him look at whatever he wanted. He gave me a prescription for Proin so now I know I won’t embarrass myself. He said I’m in pretty good shape for a gal my age and that the lumps on my belly are just something called lipomas and they’re normal. I do have some arthritis in my left rear hip and knee but what the heck I’m no spring chicken. The vet said we should try something called dasuquin which apparently are more yummy tablets I can chew. Sounds like a plan. I like to ride in the car and FD told me I’m a good passenger.
When we got home there was box just for me from Aunt Carolyn at Brookline. There is this really cool bed that FM put down for me and I got right on. It’s really comfy. FM and FD can just throw that nasty old crate out. FM also gave me this beyond cool tug of war toy that Aunt Carolyn sent. I have to meet this lady. She must be really nice. FM and I played for a little bit but I wouldn’t let FD touch it. Buddy pretended like he wanted to play but all he wanted to do was steal it. FM got it back for me.
February 4, 2019
Hi everybody! My name is Sydney and I’m a 12 year old girl. Foster Dad told me I’m supposed to write and tell everybody about myself and about being a foster dog. I’m not sure what foster means but I do know that I’m really enjoying things right now. I met Foster Dad in a place called Mt. Union. I was a little surprised when he asked me to go for a ride with him but what the heck I like riding in the car. I got into the car and it had this really cool sling thing in the back seat that was very comfortable. Foster Dad said we were going home. I looked out the window for awhile but the sling thing was so comfortable I just went to sleep.
I woke up when FD stopped the car. We went into a place called Petco and I met a really nice lady who gave me a manicure. It felt really good and I held still for her just like she asked. She invited me back to get a bath. Think I’d like to take her up on that.
We left Petco and went to this house where I met Buddy and Bella. Buddy is a really hunky chocolate guy but he’s a little young for a girl my age. Bella is a very nice yellow girl just like me. She told me that she came here as a foster about a year ago, and that it’s a really good gig if you play your cards right. Anyway we met in this area called a garage, and they were both really nice. Oh, did I mention I met Foster Mom then too and she’s really nice also?! That’s me on the right side of the picture.
After we did all the wagging and sniffing required, we went in the house. Right from the start FM and FD have let me go any place in the house that I wanted to. I took a tour and sniffed everything out really well. Bella went with me to answer any questions and Buddy,who is just such a guy, lay down and ignored us. After awhile we all had a really nice dinner prepared by FM. We all ate everything that was put in front of us and when we were done we all looked in everybody else’s bowl to see if anybody missed anything. Nobody did!
The rest of the day we just relaxed while FM and FD watched some people on the wall who talked funny. They said it was something called Downton Abbey, but you know what? It has a Lab in it just like Bella and me.
When it came time to go to bed the crate that I always slept in was set up for me. Buddy has a bed near the fireplace that he doesn’t use at night. That lucky guy gets to sleep between FM and FD in a great big human bed. So anyway, I just decided that I’d use Buddy’s bed and he didn’t care at all. Bella had her bed placed near mine so the first night in this new house was a girls only slumber party for the two of us.
Bella and I both slept straight through the nite until Buddy got us up the next morning and we all went out to pee.
I’ll tell you more about life here later. Bye for now!
January 29, 2019
Meet Sydney, 12 years young, who will be looking for her furever home very soon. Indeed she is 12 years YOUNG because she has a lot of pep in her step for a dog her age. She loves to go for walks, and she is happy to walk at a brisk pace, but she’s equally willing to go at a slower pace and take in all the smells and sights. Sydney grew up with children, and she loves kids. She is also very good with all dogs and only wishes the small senior resident dog she lives with would play with her. Sydney also lived with a cat, and it wasn’t uncommon to see them snoozing together.
More than anything, Sydney loves to be with her person and in fact this is the reason she is being rehomed-because her owners weren’t able to give her the time she needs and felt like she is lonely. Sydney would like nothing more than to be your snuggle buddy and she will happily accept pets and belly rubs for as long as you want to dole them out.
Sydney is spayed, up to date and weighs 70 pounds. The only medication she is on is Proin because she started leaking urine when she was sleeping. It has worked beautifully so she hasn’t even needed to wear the “fancy” pants that were purchased for night time in case it wasn’t 100% effective.
Sydney is the epitome of why dogs are man’s best friend. She deserves the best home. Might it be yours? Stay tuned for updates once she is in foster care.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638