Tally Yellow Labrador Retriever Mix Male 9 Months Old ID#2967
Meet Tally! Tally and his mom, Sally ended up in a shelter in MS when their owner passed away and relatives were unable to care for them. Tally is now safe in his Brookline foster home. Please read his blog from the bottom up.
February 3, 2022
Tally here to tell you about my exciting week.
First, my human foster sister is trying to teach me some tricks. She taught my BFF paw and now she is teaching me. My BFF likes to show me how it is done and I still get a treat. This is amazing!I also had a fantastic time in the snow. This stuff seemed a little strange when I first got here but now I know it is a great way to have some fun. We like to play on the deck and my BFF taught me how to dig in the snow. I got so excited digging I almost planted my face in it. I even got some air there in the back.
I have been spending more time with FM in the basement while she is in class. I am a super good boy and usually take a nice nap under her desk. Sometimes, by the time class is about over, I am getting a little bored. I found a couple fun toys in that basement place. FM said “no” but first she took a picture.
FM and FD had a talk with me tonight. They said they love me very much but it is now time for me to find my perfect family. I am not sure how I feel about that and it looked like FM had water in her eye when she was telling me. She told me she is going to make sure I go to the best family for me. Here is what she said I need.
1. A family who knows I need to have fun and exercise and also need lots of help with learning how to be the best dog. I am a good trier but I am still little and learning.
2. A family who has a dog who will be patient with me OR someone close who has a dog who will hang out with me. I really like being with my BFF but sometimes I also like to just hang out with my FM and FD without my BFF being all bossy. If I don’t get to live with a dog I really need to have lots of chances to play with dogs. FM said that my BFF loves doggie daycare and that sounds like lots of fun. We also went to play with some of my BFF’s friends and that was super fun. I even figured out that the big one didn’t like me to jump on his head.
3. I love my people so I need them to be home most of the time. I am not too thrilled about this crate stuff but I can probably make it work for a few hours.
4. I really love kids. There aren’t any little kids in my foster home but I see them in the neighborhood and I LOVE to think about running around with them. I know I can get super excited sometimes and I am a really fast runner but I am also a great snuggler. I would have so much fun with my kids.
5. Mostly I just need someone who will love me and teach me how to be the best dog and even love me when I make mistakes. I will give you lots of love back. I am a silly boy who will make you laugh and give you snuggles.
I met a really cute golden retriever named Bella and her dad told my FM that I have angel wings on my shoulders like that cute Bella. Maybe we are a match made in heaven!
I know my match is out there somewhere and I can’t wait to meet them!
January 29, 2022
Tally was an amazing story teller as he shared the exciting things he is learning. Now it is time for FM to tell a little more from her perspective.
First, Tally is probably closer to 8-10 months. I was pretty sure that he was not quite 1 year old based on his silly puppy antics. He visited the vet today and she said that was probably a better estimate. He has a minor ear irritation and was prescribed medication. He also received a Distemper booster (DAPP) and a Canine Influenza to finish that series. Tally was such a good boy at the vet!
He has recovered from his neuter surgery and is a very playful pup! He and the resident dog are endlessly wrestling, chasing, and having a grand old time. Tally loves to play. There is lots of noise with these two but no aggression. However, each can be a bit rough. The resident dog is always up for a good time and is not the best boundary setter herself. I do think that Tally would easily take correction from another dog but have been unable to test that yet.
Tally is a bundle of energy, always up for a good time, LOVES meeting new dogs and people and absolutely ADORES seeing kids. He gets excited seeing the school buses in the neighborhood and even hearing kids’ voices. He also looks quite dapper in green.
Tally is adjusting well to our home and we have established a bit of a routine. He recently started coming with me and the resident dog to “class” in the basement. He has a grand time with the toys and napping. He is a silly napper.
Tally enjoys walks but is a puller. I have tried the Freedom harness and Martingale collar and I can’t say that one works better than the other. I have also tried using the slip leash over his nose then around his neck (like a Gentle Leader) and he is not a fan and quickly removes it. That will take some practice! He has chewed through two slip leads already so being unsupervised while on leash is NOT recommended. Silly humans! He is a real puppy at heart!
Tally finally realized there was something in the glass cage and tried and tried to get the gecko to come out and play. He thought he could lick his way through.
He also had his first big boy field trip to the Tractor Supply. Tally is not a fan of the car (who can blame him after that 2 day trip from Mississippi!). Tonight I tried him in the backseat with his BFF resident dog and he was much more comfortable. She is a good teacher and Tally does seem to benefit from having another dog show him the ropes.
If all goes well over the next week, Tally should be available for adoption beginning February 5th. Stay tuned for more updates this week. Who knows what kind of big adventures Mr. Tally will have?
January 25, 2022
Foster Mom says sorry for being late with this update. She has this thing called work (doesn’t sound like much fun) and time got away from her (maybe she should get a leash).
I am still having fun here in Pennsylvania. We take lots of walks and I even got to go for a car ride today to a new place to play. Let me tell you about my walks! Yesterday I saw this thing called a snow person. FM made me sit for a picture. Why do moms make you do that?When we got home I worked on something called place (this is how I know this work stuff is not that much fun). My BFF helped me because she is something like a place scholar or something.
I kept trying and I finally was able to do it all by myself. FM said she is very proud of me.
I am glad that FM was so busy last night that she ran out of time to type this because now I can tell you about how I saved my FM and BFF today. We were just walking up the street we always walk up and suddenly there was a bear! I barked and growled and saved my FM and BFF.
Can you believe that thing was still there when we walked back again?!?! I went right up to that thing and told him to leave us alone! But now I think he is kinda cute and he might be my new friend.
The day ended with a trip to a place where me and my BFF could run and chase each other. We had the BEST time. I am even faster than her and she is older and bigger than me. I am a great chaser.
Thanks for reading about me.
Love, Tally
January 23, 2022
Hi! Whatca doin? I am laying on a blanket with my new BFF while foster mom types what I tell her to share.First – it is cold up north, but my new BFF taught me that it is fun to eat snow and ice!
My new BFF also taught me to sniff around the neighborhood and stick to the sidewalks unless the foster mom takes us on the street because of ice. My BFF likes to eat and play with sticks. I tried one. I don’t get what she sees in them.
Today was pretty amazing. I slept pretty good all night but my skin is a little itchy. You people have dry air in the north. FM said she is going to get me some fish oil tablets.
After breakfast (which I LOVE and eat really fast) I went for a long walk with FM and my new BFF. We wore some coats to keep us warm and they kept me nice and toasty.I played with my new BFF when we got back inside. She like to play crazy dog like me. FM makes noise when we get too crazy and we stop because we are good listeners (okay, sometimes).
FM was calling me “Tally Ho” yesterday but today she changed it to “Tally No.” I think it is working because I don’t take stuff that belongs to humans and I don’t jump up on counters or tables anymore. I am a good listener sometimes. Look how cute I am!
We tried out the crate today and I stayed there and slept for a couple hours. I didn’t like it too much though when they were eating dinner and I was in the crate. I wanted to be with them and my new BFF.
My BFF is also teaching me how to stop FM from working too hard and doing the dishes after dinner. If we lay there she can’t get to the sink. We are great rest helpers.I guess that is all for now. I am pretty sleepy from my exciting day. Talk to you more tomorrow.
Love, Tally
January 22, 2022
Tally arrived from Mississippi. It was a very cold morning and he was scared and cold. When we arrived home, he enjoyed sniffing around the yard and met our resident dog, but was happy to go into the warm house. Tally sniffed around the first floor and was then happy to snuggle up with foster dad. After that two-day trip, he was in need of a bath. He was so brave as he got a nice warm bath and even a bit of a blow dry. Another trip outside and he was ready to take a nice long nap. He is quite a snuggle bug.
After a nice long nap Tally had all kinds of energy. He went for a couple walks and played with the resident dog. They both like to play a bit rough but nothing that was concerning. Tally has much more energy than our 2 1/2 year old lab.
The paperwork says that Tally is 1 but I would guess closer to 9 months. He is a sweet guy who so far loves dogs and people but will need some usual older puppy training and lots of structure and consistency.
Tally will update more after day #2.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638