Tug Yellow Labrador Retriever Male 5 Months Old ID #3377
June 30, 2023
Hi Everybody!
It’s me, Tugger. Last night was a rough night for my buddy, Floyd, and my FM’s. Floyd fell down and couldn’t get up. My FM’s were really scared and worried about him. He’s doing better today, but he’s still wobbly. My FM’s are worried about my “crazy, clumsy puppy energy” (again, their words – not mine!) around Floyd. So tomorrow I’m moving to a new foster home. I already met my new foster family and I really like them. I’ll miss my FM’s and my buddies, Floyd and Rubble, but they promise to keep in touch. I’ll check in when I get to my new digs and let you know how it is!
Love, Tug
June 29, 2023
Hi Everybody!
Hope you guys are having a good week! We’ve had some crazy weather this week. That meant we didn’t get to play outside as much, but that’s okay. I managed to find lots of toys to play with inside.
A pup likes to have choices!
My buddy Floyd gets really stressed by the storms, but they didn’t bother me at all. In fact, I slept through most of them.
Oh, for the record, the corner of that rug is not turned up because I was chewing on it! If FM tries to tell you different, don’t listen to her!
Remember I said I didn’t want to eat hard food? I’m over that now! Now I’ll eat whatever you want to give me – and even some things you don’t want to give me! FM says I finally have a Lab appetite. I get very excited about getting treats. FM says I have to learn to take treats gently. I guess I have a lot to learn still. But you know what? FM is learning new stuff, too. Here’s what FM has learned about me!
No matter where I am, I like to be close to FM.
Sometimes I sleep in crazy positions.
When I put my head down, I get cute wrinkles on the top of my head.
(Remember, these are FM’s words!)
I have the cutest puppy-butt.
That’s all for now. I gotta get back to my chewin’ and squeakin’!
Love, Tug
June 25, 2023
My name is Tug. I’m named after a famous baseball player, Tug McGraw – like my brothers Hank (Aaron) and Lou (Gehrig). My other brother, Sherman, is the oddball, but I still love him. There’s one in every family, right?
Sorry it took so long for me to write. Took me some time to figure out this ‘puter thing. I’ve had to figure out lots of new things since me and my brothers got sprung from the farm. Like steps. Who thought those were a good idea? I liked running around the yard, checking things out, and meeting my new buddies, Floyd, and Rubble. Everything was cool until FM said let’s going inside. Next thing I know, everybody else was up on the deck and I couldn’t figure out how they got there. I kept looking at these things between me and them, but I wasn’t about to walk on them. FM came back down and made me climb up. It was scary. Boy was I glad when it was over! But get this – later, FM said let’s go outside and expected me to go DOWN those things. That’s when I put my paw down. I said nuh-uh, no way, not doing it. FM had to take me back inside and out the front door where there are only 2 steps. Then we walked around to the back yard. Much better!
I have two fur-buddies here, Floyd and Rubble.
They are cool and have been showing me around. In fact, after a day of watching them, I figured out those step things and now I can go UP and DOWN like a pro!
I like hanging out with my FM’s. They say I’m a Velcro boy. One day I helped FM work in the garden. She said I’m a good helper!
There’s a giant water bowl in the yard here. FM calls it a pool. Rubble and Floyd like to swim in it. I prefer dipping my paws in the smaller water bowl.
FM thinks it’s crazy that I put my paws in the bowl whenever I get a drink. But she says nothing about the other kids putting their whole bodies in the other water bowl!

A few days ago, I got a package in the mail! I didn’t even know anyone knew I lived here. It was from my friends at Brookline and was filled with toys and treats and other cool stuff.
My favorite is my squeaky fox. I like to lie on the floor and squeak, squeak, squeak! Especially when my FM’s are watching TV or talking to each other. They always laugh and thank me for squeaking at those times. So, they must like it, too.
FM thinks I’m teething. I don’t really like to eat hard things like kibble. I do much better with soft food. Sometimes after I chew on my stuffies, there’s blood on them. FM checked my mouth, and my gums were bleeding a bit. She said that’s normal for a pup my age. It will go away once I have all my big boy teeth.
Yesterday we had a party here and I got to meet a bunch of Brookline friends – human and canine. It was a fun day. I even took a dip in the BIG water bowl – with lots of help from some of my new friends.
It was a fun day, but boy was it exhausting. I was snoozing by the time the last car left the driveway!

Got to go now. I have lots of puppy things to do!
Love, Tug
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638