Wesson Yellow Labrador Retriever Mix Male 2 Years Old ID#3422
Meet Wesson! Wesson is a handsome two year old who is a friendly, outgoing, fun loving boy who also loves people despite his rough start in life. Wesson was surrendered to a shelter, along with his fur brother by the owner’s mother after she discovered the dogs were not being adequately fed or housed. Wesson arrived at the shelter extremely emaciated and dehydrated. The shelter reached out to Brookline after Wesson’s fur brother was adopted out, and Wesson started exhibiting stress in the kennel. He was also struggling to gain weight while at the shelter. Please read Wesson’s blog from the bottom up to learn more about him while in foster care.
June 19, 2024
Hi everybody! Took a day trip to the local state park yesterday to cool off in this heat wave.
I now love the water and can now swim out in the deep water. Turns out I am quite the competitor, and Louie and I now race out to the stick to see who can get the prize first.
I met a nice ranger along the way, and she stopped to say hello to us. I sat nicely for her, and she gave me a few treats, which I sat nice for her and accepted in a nice friendly way.
After our long walk and swim session, we just hung out thru the afternoon, and enjoyed watching the nearby kids play in the water, and other dogs come and go. My new friends in our group, commented on how calm and well behaved I am. Well, I thought the same about them!!
I have been promoted to the kitchen at night, and don’t need to sleep in the crate anymore. When Foster Mom goes out for short errands, Louie and I get the roam of the place, but we just lay around and chill. she usually leaves some good tunes on for us to enjoy. all is well when she comes back home, and we get lots of praise and hugs just for being ourselves, not a bad deal!
Foster Mom tells me how comfortable I am around the house now and we are really getting into a good groove around here.
I’m a lucky guy!
June 10, 2024
Hi everybody, I am back to tell you a little more about how I am spending my time, so you can get to know me better.I have been learning to fetch and catch a throw rope, and yesterday I went up to Lake Nockamixon and went into the water for the first time. I think I did pretty good and can’t wait to go back, for sure I will turn out to be a strong swimmer!
I have also been practicing my leash skills while walking with my buddy Louie, we make a great team, and people come up to visit with us at the park.
My foster Mom tells me I have learned so much in these past 2 weeks, that I will soon be up for adoption! I really am looking forward to getting a family of my own to play with and love.Stay tuned….
June 5, 2024
Hi everybody, just checking in to let you all know how busy I have been these past few weeks. Besides my day out at the MGK-9 dog fest last week, I recently packed my bags and moved!
That’s right, I now enjoy he digs of my new foster home. I met my new roommate Louie, and we get along just great! We get to run and play in the back yard, watch the deer come and go, and have a great time.
My foster Mom tells me I am very good around the house, settle easy at night and in just a short time, I am now housebroken, which for some reason has made a lot of people very happy…. hmm. I have my own extra-large wire crate, for hanging out and relaxing and I sleep through the night. I enjoyed exploring the house and basement and enjoy the sunrise with my morning coffee.
I have been out to the local parks here in the neighborhood, walking around and meeting people, I have been to the local PetSmart to replenish my toy stash, and got to watch a few local soccer and t ball games.
Gotta go now, check in later.
May 28, 2024
Hi everybody, I’m back to tell you all about my great day out at the Warminster Arts & Barks Festival on Sunday.
Wow, what a busy time I had, so many people and so many dogs to meet and greet. I’ve never seen so many dogs in one place before. I hung out at the Brookline Lab Rescue booth with some of my other friends, Puddles, Lila, Nola….
People came up to meet to say hello and give me hugs and loving. I hope I get to go to more of these.
Here are a few pictures of my day out and a new video of me playing with my pal Louie.
See you later!
May 20, 2024
Wesson got to attend the MGK-9 Dog Fest on Saturday! He had a great time meeting people and other dogs and was such a good boy!
May 10, 2024
Wesson here doing a quick update on all the new friends I’ve met. I’ve been having so much fun with everyone.
First I met Poppy, and she invited two other friends to play. Their names are Senna and Cole. We had a good time playing chase with a ball.
I met Bear next. He’s as big as me and likes to run fast too!
After all that running, it was nice to cool down in the pool.
My friend Jilly is pretty fun! I like to play hide and seek and tag with her. Jilly likes to be it and I run all around her and see if she can tag me. She likes to do some wrestling too.
The nice people here at Kamp told me that they are trying to help me find a foster home. I hope someone comes to pick me up soon!
April 30, 2024
Wesson has been with us for almost a week, and is settling in very well. He is super sweet and friendly with all the staff, and is very well behaved in his run.
We have been able to give him blankets and toys with out him destroying anything. Unfortunately, he hasn’t figured out that he’s supposed to go to the bathroom outdoors and not in his run. We have been treating him like a little puppy and taking him out every hour, and rewarding him when he goes appropriately.
I have introduced him to a couple of quiet dogs, which he did very well with. He was excited to meet them, wagging his tail and wiggling his whole body.
After a few minutes wandering around and getting to know the other two dogs, Wesson wanted to engage in play with a one of the dogs. She played for a little bit, but had just been out to play with some other dogs and was a bit tired.When he sees dogs at a distance, he does bark a little bit. I’m not sure yet if it’s through excitement or anxiety. Once I get to know him more and build his trust, we’ll work on his leash behavior. I did take Wes on a short field trip to a path through the woods, and he had a fantastic time sniffing all the sniffs!
Wes also got to join Poppy during her playtime while boarding.
She taught him how fun the pool is!
Wesson also had a quick cat test, and he seemed more nervous about the cat than she did of him.
April 24, 2024
Wesson has arrived into foster care and he is loving finally getting out in a big yard. He is having so much fun sniffing all the smells and running around! Stay tuned for more updates as we learn more about this handsome guy…
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Website, brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org.
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638
PA Kennel License #05190