Wilson Yellow Labrador Retriever Male 3 Months Old ID #3409
October 2, 2024
Wilson is doing well this week. On Saturday evening, he was invited to participate in a Homecoming photo “shoot” with his biggest neighborhood fans. He donned a tie for the occasion and enjoyed getting fussed over and cuddled. He also got to meet the resident cats at the home, and while they weren’t big fans of Wilson (they watched, horrified, from afar), Wilson was interested in them (curiosity – not “ooh – snacks!” interested).
On Sunday, everyone in the household laid low- FM took a much-needed nap and so did Wilson. FM thinks Wilson grew taller over the weekend and she’s hoping he also put on some much-needed weight, too.
This evening we’re heading to the vet for a check in ref. Wilson’s GI issues and are hoping the scale indicates some gains. Wilson is still as playful and mischievous as ever – he relishes opportunities to wrestle with his foster fur-siblings, and happily chases whatever balls or toys anyone throws for him to fetch. Sometimes, he even brings them back.
Wilson also discovered the TV while FM was previewing some film clips for her classes – he was fascinated by the screen and watched attentively. Perhaps he shares FM’s taste for English historical drama?
Wilson is still up at least once per night for a potty break – we turn in by 9:30pm so that means a “call from Nature” between 2:30 and 3:30am (for Wilson). And the foster fur-siblings decided that wake up time is now no later than 4:45am (!) so now EVERYONE is awake and up by then. Thank goodness for coffee!
Keep sending Wilson mojo that he has a good checkup @ the vet. I’ll keep everyone posted.
September 29, 2024
Wilson is doing okay, in terms of his cleft palate; however, Wilson is still dealing with some GI issues. So, we’re placing him on hold until we can determine if there is any other issue (besides the cleft palate) affecting his digestion and growth. We are following the advice of our vet(s) and will treat and care for Wilson accordingly.
Despite his small physical stature, Wilson’s personality continues to grow and we all love him–he finally won over foster canine siblings Myles and Quinn who now gently play with him (and if he needs to take a break, he beelines for FM’s or FD’s lap). He is almost sleeping through the night and loves cuddling throughout the day.
We will keep everyone updated on this little nugget. Please send him some healing mojo and prayers – he can use them. And thanks to everyone for being so kind and encouraging to us. This little guy is keeping us on our (tired but happy) toes!
September 14, 2024
Hi everyone! I’m ready to find my forever home now. FM discovered a great way for me to clean my own cleft palate (and keep me entertained, too): ice cubes!
September 13, 2023
September 8, 2024
Hi Everyone!
It’s been a busy week and I’ve been learning (and growing!) a lot. On Wednesday I got to make some new friends and spent the day with the McGee sisters and their big yellow guy, Rubble—he was nice to me and showed my foster sibs how to play with a little tyke like me. I also got to meet some other Brookline volunteers who snuggled me and said I am a very sweet (and feisty) pup!
On Friday, I had two exciting adventures. FM took me to work out with her and I got to test some equipment—I’m getting stronger each day! I now weigh at least 11 pounds (FM did the happy dance when she saw the number on the scale) and I am eating better, too.
Then, Friday night, I got to go to a football game at FM’s school. I met SO MANY nice people—teenagers, little kids, a nice child in a wheelchair who held me gently, more first responders in uniform, and two little toddlers. I saw the marching band go by, heard lots of cheering and shouting, was fascinated by the cheerleaders’ Pom-poms (I wanted to chew those—I want to chew EVERYTHING 🦈), and watched the football players run back onto the field after halftime. At that point, I was super sleepy so FM said it was time to head home for bed (she was pretty tired too). FM thought I’d be TKO and sleep well that night, but—silly lady—I still got her up three times. She keeps saying it’s a good thing I’m so cute….
Something exciting happened yesterday morning, too. My foster sibs haven’t wanted to play with me at all since I got here. I keep trying to entice them and do my best wiggly play bows and bob and weaves, but… nada. Until yesterday! Myles saw me doing puppy zoomies around the kitchen and he decided to join in and follow me. I was so shocked I dropped the ball I had in my mouth and it rolled over to him. Then Myles picked it up and brought it back and dropped it in front of me. I ran off with it and he followed me around the first floor. Quinn decided it was worth her while to come investigate and she joined in, too. This little play sesh lasted all of 20 seconds, but it made FM (and me) very happy! Since then, we’ve had two repeat performances. I’m keeping my paws crossed they’ll want to play more. The foster ‘rents are, too—I need to play to burn off some puppy energy!
I’ve also learned how to sit on command and am responding to my name well, too. If I have to go potty, I signal by running to a door and pawing it, and or whining briefly, too. I love running after balls outside and chasing leaves blowing in the wind. FM is going to get me fitted for a basket muzzle so I can learn to tolerate it for when I have my cleft palate repair surgery. I won’t be allowed to chew anything for at least 2-3 weeks and that’s going to be challenging.
Today the sun is shining again and I hope you enjoy this beautiful day.
September 4, 2024
August 31, 2024
Hi everyone!
It’s been a very busy week around here. FM was back to work (school) each day so FD and I got to spend a lot of time together while he worked from home. Don’t worry—FM and I spend lots of quality time together when she gets home from work and I make sure to wake her up twice a night so she can take me out to go potty.
I’m still a little tyke, but growing a bit each day. FM said I looked like Bambi on Thursday—she swears I got taller while she was at school. It’s possible!
My foster sibs are definitely curious about me but don’t want to play with me-I don’t know why—I’m super cute and friendly. One of the nice vets I saw recently suggested that it’s because I sound different (breathing) due to my cleft and the other pups might be a bit put off by that. So it’s important that I’m monitored around other dogs at all times. My foster sibs are not mean to me—they just kinda ignore me. Which is fine—I say, their loss!
I’m still a happy and curious puppy and have been experiencing new stuff safely with FM & FD. Over the past two weeks, I’ve met and seen lots of people and seen and heard lots of noises and everyday things, such as…
* police officers in uniform
* bushy and trimmed bearded men
* tall and bald men (and women)
* a freight train (it was LOUD and took a long time to pass)
* slippery floors (in FM’s classroom… shh!!)
* a trash truck (and the friendly men working on it who stopped to smile and say how cute I am)
* a mail truck (which FM says needs a new muffler. What’s a muffler?)
* the vacuum cleaner (I’m not a big fan, but it’s ok)
* the washer and dryer, and dishwasher & garbage disposal (the one in the sink—not my Foster Brother)
* rolling giant garbage cans (those frightened me a little—but FD showed me they wouldn’t hurt me and I was ok.)
* a big friendly yellow dog who lives in the neighborhood – he was nice to me and let me sniff him all over. My tail wagged the whole time!
*a workout studio/gym! FM took me with her to work out this week and I got to explore the space and equipment. I even posed for a picture. Didn’t set a new PR for lifting, but I’m getting there!I took a long car ride to the dentist and was pretty good (cried a bit initially) in the crate, but then settled. The dentist and his helpers said I will definitely need surgery to fix my cleft palate when I’m approximately 20 weeks old. In the meantime, it’s important that I keep growing bigger and stronger, and keep my cleft clean from debris and don’t chew on mulch, sticks, grass, or anything that can get stuck. I also have to be careful and avoid soft or runny foods or treats because they typically end up coming out of my nose and I can get aspiration pneumonia easily.
So, my adoptive family must be extremely careful and watchful of me, and diligent in feeding me only acceptable food and treats. I still drink water from a Kaytee bottle attached to my crate- that’s safest for me and my lungs. I’m definitely a “special needs” puppy and must go to a future furever family who is fully aware of, and committed to, my pre- and post operative care. I am not a training wheels puppy (FM says she doesn’t think there is such a thing…).
I love to play fetch and will chase tennis balls (though I stunt roll over them when I get to them) and also love wrestling with stuffies, too. I’m teething like a normal Lab puppy and still like fingers, toes, and knuckles best, but the foster ‘rents keep shoving Kongs and other “appropriate” teething toys in my mouth instead.
This weekend the whole foster fam is heading to the shore and I’m going to see the beach! I can’t swim yet (I don’t think I know how) but FM promised to hold me safely up in the water so I can dip my toes in.
August 26, 2024
Hi everyone!
Wilson is doing great—continuing to grow and play and learn how to be a good dog each day. He had his vet recheck for his URI on Friday (last) and all looks less inflamed and his lungs are clear.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) FD Chris is taking Wilson to see Dr. Lewis at Veterinary Dental Specialists for a consult to determine the best plan of action & care for his rostral cleft. Wilson is eating dry puppy kibble (albeit slowly) and drinking water from a hanging cage bottle (like a small pet uses). He is teething and loves chewing on his puppy BeneBones and everyone’s fingers and toes. Good thing he’s so adorable!
Wilson is excellent in his crate – he sleeps upstairs in our bedroom in a crate and has the company of his foster sibs (who are still unsure about him, but maybe—ever so slightly—starting to come around). During the day he either hangs out in his kitchen crate or in a tiny ex-pen (set up on the shady patio if FM or FD can be out there with him, or else in the kitchen where the foster Lab sibs keep watchful eyes on him.
Wilson is doing great with crate/house training. He’s never soiled in his crate, and only had one tiny pee accident (FM’s fault—she allowed him to explore her closet while she was ironing work clothes and he had the urge to go after wrestling with his hedgehog 🦔). Oops! Accidents happen. That’s why there’s Nature’s Miracle!
Enjoy the pics & videos, and send up some BLRR mojo for this little nugget that he gets good news tomorrow re. his palate. 🤞🙏
August 22, 2024
Remember how Sally (Charlie Brown’s little sister) gushes over Linus? (“Isn’t he the cutest thing?”) Wilson elicits the same response in everyone who meets him. He’s such a good puppy—he’s content in his crate and can amuse himself with a chew toy. He hasn’t had a single house-training accident, sleeps well at night, and is inquisitive, confident, and happy-go-lucky.
Wilson loves to cuddle but also happily plays games like “chase the leaf blowing in the wind” and “attack the laces on everyone’s sneakers.” He will “wrestle” with FD and “fetch” gently tossed balls.
Yesterday, he invented a new game: chase FM and bite her pant hems before she leaves for school. (FM found that much more entertaining than her in-service.) Today, Wilson wrestled a giant dragon while his foster sibs were at daycare! Then he tackled Mr. Floofer, the wooly toy. Wilson is a triple F threat: fearless, fuzzy, and ferocious! 🤣
Wilson Slays the Dragon
As he’s teething, Wilson LOVES to chew on just about anything—but especially FM’s fingers. Good thing he’s so adorable! He’s putting on weight (up to 5.38 pounds) and eating well.
August 18, 2024
Tiny Wilson (just under 4 pounds, age 8.5 weeks) joined FM & FD (and foster Lab siblings M&Q) on Saturday. After a very thorough initial vet exam, it was determined his cleft is in the roof of his mouth (rostral hard palate, ~1-2mm opening. No involvement of maxilla/incisors). Wilson has some moderate squeaking (when he exhales), and also some nasal discharge, so he’s being treated for a sinus infection. Once he puts on a few pounds, he’ll be rechecked, brought up-to-date on all his shots, and see a dental specialist to determine the best plan of care.
In the meantime, Wilson had his first bath (which he tolerated) and is enjoying breakfast, lunch, and dinner in bed (crate) each day.He’s eating well (tiny puppy kibble moistened with a little water) and drinking water from his Kaytee cage bottle. He is definitely teething and prefers toes and slipper suede to his chew toys. But he’s easygoing enough and accepts appropriate chew toys in exchange for fingers.
Wilson is very curious about his foster brother and sister; however, they’re still not too sure about him. In fairness, he is the tiniest dog they’ve ever met and so understandably they’re keeping their distance.
When we walkabout in the fenced in backyard, Wilson bravely explores the mulched beds, perennial greens, the occasional leaf (which is nearly as big as he is), and the landscape rocks and stones. He listens to the birds and seemed amused by a squirrel (who was bigger than Wilson) in our one feeder. We do have quite a few neighborhood hawks around, so Wilson is always leashed–I don’t want any bird mistaking him for their next meal!
Wilson walks well on grass, stone pathways, cement, rugs, tile floors, and hardwood. He’s too little to do steps yet, so he gets a boost and a carry from FM or FD. He seems to like his crate which we’ve made cozy with a warm towel, a chew toy, and his water bottle. Of course, he’ll whine a little when he first goes in, but those subside quickly in under 10 minutes. Wilson is content to be in the middle of our kitchen during the day, where he can keep an eye on all of us and the resident dogs, and at night he sleeps in another crate in our bedroom to be near the whole foster fam. In all instances, Wilson is good about alerting us when he needs a potty break. He slept for 4 hours straight on his first night – good boy!
He is a sweetheart of a pup and we know he’s going to make some lucky family VERY happy.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org.
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638
PA Kennel License #05190