Wrangler #2 Yellow Labrador Retriever Male 6 Months Old ID #3355
June 12, 2023
Hi Everybody,
It’s been a fun weekend here at my foster home! Another foster dog came to visit while her FM is away. Her name is Luna and she’s really cool. I like to follow her around.
I showed her around my foster home, shared my toys with her, and introduced her to Ma, the lady next door who gives us biscuits!
Today, my FM’s took me to an event to raise money for the SPCA. It was called a Lure Course. Apparently, I was supposed to chase some little red thing that was on a string. But I just ran around and sniffed all the wonderful smells. FM says it was one of the SPCA’s play yards, so there were LOTS of wonderful smells! I had fun… and my FM’s laughed… and the SPCA raised money to help dogs like me. So it was a good day!
I have one more thing to tell you… and it’s BIG! I’ve been matched with my FOREVER family! I’ll get to meet them later this week. I can’t wait! ❤
This will be my last update. Thanks for reading all my letters!
June 8, 2023
Hi Everybody!
Today the mailman brought a big box and FM said it was for ME! It was filled with all this cool stuff from my buddies at Brookline.This toy is really cool because it has a bunch of squeakers!
I shared with my buddy Rubble. He shares his toys with me, too. That’s what buddies do.
I let all the kids check out my new stuff. FM was proud of me for sharing so nicely.
Thanks for all the cool stuff, Brookline! You made all us pups happy today.
June 3, 2023
Wow! Another busy day! It started with a long drive. I didn’t like sitting in the back seat all by myself. I usually sit with (or on top of) Rubble, but he didn’t go with us today. I asked my FM’s if I could sit up front with them, but they said no.

Once we got to where we were going, I forgot all about being alone in the back seat. We went to a store where we saw other Brookline people and dogs! I met a bunch of people who petted me and told me what a good boy I am. Some of the people asked my FM’s lots of questions about me and said they’d love to adopt me! FM said I am very popular.

I met two other Brookline dogs, Holly and Pete. We talked about how lucky we are to be Brookline dogs!
Virginia brought yummy treats and me and Pete took turns “sitting” to get them!

What a fun day! I had to sit in the back by myself on the way home, too. But to tell you the truth, I don’t remember much about the ride home.
Good night everybody!
Love, Wrangler
June 1, 2023
Wrangler here. Boy, do I have a lot to tell you. So many new things since my last update!
FM gave me this thing called a carrot. Floyd and Rubble were excited about their carrots, so I figured I should be, too. But I wasn’t really sure what to do with it.I carried around for a bit. Then I shredded it. Then I figured out that I could eat it! Yum! FM says I’m the messiest carrot-eater she’s even seen.
I got to go next door and play with this cool kid named Buster.
Buster is little. And fast. But I’m faster! Check this out!
One day my FM’s had to run errands. They said I could go with them because I need practice getting in the car and going inside new places. Rubble came, too, because I like to follow him. Floyd doesn’t like the car, so he stayed home. First, we went to Rubble and Floyd’s vet to pick up some medicine. I didn’t want to get in the car, so FM had to pick me up (all 65 pounds!) and put me in the car. When we got there, I walked across the parking lot, but I didn’t want to go into the vet’s office at first. After Rubble went in, I followed him. When we came out, FM had to lift me into the car again. Then we went to a big store called Home Depot. We walked around the store and everyone smiled at us. Some people asked if they could pet us and I said “SURE!!”.
After Home Depot, FM had to lift me into the car for the third time. She was getting a workout that day!
Next, we went to another vet where I was the patient. In the waiting room, I made a new friend!
We played for a bit and then me and Rubble chilled out while waiting for my turn.
I got all checked out and got my shots and microchip. I was a good boy. But yeah, I did make the doctor pick me up and put me on the table!
Doc said I look great and, if she was ready for another dog, she would take me home in a heartbeat. Then it was time to go home, so we headed back to the car. But guess what?! I jumped in all by myself – before Rubble jumped in! My FM’s were so proud of me!
After that big day, all of us were tired and ready for a good nap.That’s all for now. Until my next adventure….
May 28, 2023
Hi Everybody!
This morning I found an awesome stick! Rubble tried to take it, but I won!

May 27, 2023
Hi, Wrangler here, checking in again.
I’ve had a busy few days since coming into Brookline.
I go into my crate on my own now and get yummy treats and my meals in there. I don’t like to spend too much time alone in there so I wake Foster Mom up sometimes so we can go outside. Sometimes I potty for her but sometimes I just walk around with her.
I’ve learned to play fetch. I’ll chase the ball and bring it back to my FM (Foster Mom). I let her take it from me and then, I chase it again. I’ve also learned to play tug and Rubble and I love to chase and play!
All of this activity is exhausting and calls for a nice nap.
Until next time,
Wrangler 🐾
May 25, 2023
Hi, I’m Wrangler!
I just joined Brookline yesterday and boy has my life changed a lot!
I’m a 6-month-old Pure Bred Farm Dog. The Farmer wasn’t able to sell me, so he contacted Brookline. My life on the farm was a lot different, I was an outside dog but I got to run free on the farm. I saw horses, cats, dogs and kids on the farm and I wasn’t phased by any of them.
Life in my Foster Home has been a lot of new experiences. First thing they did was put a collar and leash on me. Have you ever seen a dog melt into the ground? Well, I just made like I was a pancake cause I wasn’t too keen on that leash thing. Then they started to feed me cheese and coaxed me up. I actually took a few steps for them but I wasn’t about to climb into that car. So, Foster Mom picked me up, with a little grunt and groan, I am 67#!! She tried to put me in the car but have you seen those cartoons where dogs and cats seem to grow 20 legs and stretch them across doorways so they can’t go anywhere? Yup, that was me. They finally got me into the car and we went for a long drive away from the farm.
When we got to my Foster Home, they tried to walk me on that leash thing again. It wasn’t happening, not even with cheese, but after some pushing and pulling by both of us we finally made it inside the fence. I met the resident dogs who wanted to sniff me all over. I tucked my tail and stood like a statue until they were done and then eventually got up the nerve to start walking around.
It turns out the other dogs are okay. I was able to sniff them all over and now I’ll follow them around.
I was a little nervous when I first met Floyd and Rubble. But now, I’m completely relaxed and play the “bookends” game with Rubble.
Rubble did this crazy jump and bark at me once but I just stood there. Not sure yet what that’s all about. Foster Mom said he wants to play but I don’t know about that.
Foster Mom gave me a nice brushing and body check for ticks. It didn’t bother me at all, it was sort of like a Spa Day. I just laid on the ground and enjoyed the attention.
Another crazy thing about my Foster Home, I can go INSIDE! I’m not so sure I like going through that door thingy but it’s getting less scary, esp. when the other dogs are with me.
My Foster Moms can’t believe how calm I am for a 6-month old pup. I just lay down and chew on a toy or bone. They don’t like it too much if I try to chew a cord or the chair but I listen and just chew whatever they give me instead.
I went for a walk tonight with the Resident Dogs and it was fun, even with that leash thingy. It did take some convincing to get me up and out the door, again, no luck with the cheese Don’t they realize I’ve caught on to that trick? They’re going to have to up the anty if they don’t want to play the push/pull game! But once we were out walking, I actually got a little spring to my step!
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638