Farm to Family – Puddles

Puddles was pulled from the breeding farm by Brookline with her mate Tanner. When Puddles arrived at Deb’s for foster care, she was missing most of her fur except for a small strip on her back and some on her head. She also tested positive for whip and round worms, anaplasma, and had horribly infected ears. Deb said she resembled a baby hippo more than a dog.

Over time, her fur grew back, and she began to feel safe. She learned that no one would hurt her, and she also learned what it felt like to be loved. Puddles also became a big snuggler and just wanted to be with her people. In foster care with Deb, she began to trust the resident dogs and even started to initiate play. Most of all, Puddles learned how to be a dog.

My mom met Puddles at an event that Brookline attended. She called me that same night and said, “Heather I think I met your next dog today.” I was skeptical but agreed to meet her. The rest as they say is history. We bonded immediately and I knew as soon as I laid eyes on her she was going to be my girl. She fits my life perfectly!

I get to take her to work with me each day as I run a business with my mom. She gets to hang out with my mom’s labs Dover and Ransom. They are fast becoming best buddies. Puddy loves to play fetch in the yard and tug with Ransom. She enjoys long naps and afternoon snacks. Swimming is a work in progress. Most of all, she loves cuddles and to be petted by everyone. Her tag line is, “When you need cuddles just call Puddles!” She has taken to our routine with ease and comfort.

Puddy is already learning basic commands (the benefit of having a mom who is also a dog trainer) and she gets to go to “dog school” twice a week when I teach. Thanks to Deb, my Puds had a great start to her new life and now she will continue her journey with me. While I have only had her 3 weeks and we still have lots of work to do my “Pudapotomus” already has my heart, and she truly is in her forever home with me!!