Memorial Mandy
Sadly, I am writing to inform you that our wonderful girl, Mandy passed away February 9, 2023.
She was born August 11 2012 and called “Samantha”, but came to her forever home as Mandy in May of 2019. Our life together started out uncertain, as she had a mast cell tumor that needed to be removed immediately. This was done and was successful!
Mandy was a constant source of entertainment for our family. Very vocal…not barking or howling, but throaty ‘HMMMMM’s’ which we echoed back to her as if we were having a conversation. When she would get off the couch, it took sooo long as she dragged her back legs behind her each time.
She came to us skittish of loud noises, crowds, and other dogs. Within a year the only sounds that made her nervous were thunder and fireworks. She wasn’t interested in other dogs so much as their owners. LOVED people and people loved her right back. As most dogs do, she enjoyed lying outside in the grass or on our patio soaking up the sun. She looked so HAPPY!
We were a family for almost four years, yet our hearts ache as if we were together for a lifetime. We hope we gave you as much love and comfort and joy as you gave us, sweet girl!