Memorial Molly

We fostered Molly back in September 2008. She was dumped at a shelter, about 1.5 yrs old pregnant ready to deliver, flea bitten with hair loss on her back and tail, also had Tape worm and only weighed 42lbs.

Thankfully the shelter aborted her pregnancy to save her life. She came to us with major trust issues with men wearing caps and having facial hair. We worked real hard to get her to trust such men again and she did really well and only snapped on very rare occasions.

When I picked her up for fostering thru BLRR it only took me a few hours to know Molly Was Home!! We adopted her October of 2008.

She ended up having Cirrhosis of the liver, Hip Dysplasia, a Torn ACL during her mid life. Later in life she had a lymphoma scare, two mast cell tumors removed, cataracts in both eyes, osteoarthritis in her hips and shoulders.

Most recently she battled a Corneal Ulcer for about 8 weeks, her eye pressure spiked to 47 and she went blind in her left eye, which also became very painful. Once they could see into her eye they discovered a Melanoma CA Tumor behind her eye.

By this time March 2021 she was having a very hard time just standing waiting for us to prepare her dinner, and would just plunk down.

The Opthalmologist recommend we give her General anesthesia and remove her eye, but my gut was telling me no, that she had suffered enough with all of her ailments so we had to make The hardest decision of our lives, to let her run free at the rainbow bridge! She would have been about 14 yrs old May 2021.

We thank Brookline for caring enough to get these dogs out of shelters and into good loving homes.

Our Hearts are Broken ๐Ÿ’” and the tears still come daily, we miss you terribly Molly Girl AKA Mollykins from your Auntie Rachel.

She lived her best life, brought us so much joy, love and snuggles!

Until we meet again Molly Girl

RIP March 21st 2021 ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”

Your loving Mom & Dad,

Debbie & Joel Salomon