Pet Fair

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Braxton’s Harvest Festival Wayne PA

Braxton’s Animal Works 620 West Lancaster Avenue, Wayne, PA, United States

We hope you will stop by our table at Braxton's Annual Harvest Festival to learn more about our adoptable dogs and how you can make a difference by volunteering, fostering, […]

Woofstock, Harrisburg PA 11AM-5PM

CPAA Woofstock Riverfront Park, Harrisburg, PA, United States

We hope you will stop by our booth at Woofstock to learn more about our adoptable dogs and how you can make a difference by volunteering, fostering, or adopting. We […]

Benny’s PawtoberFest

Benny's Pet Depot 5202 Simpson Ferry Road, Mechanicsburg, PA, United States

Benny's PawtoberFest, presented by Benny's Pet Foundation and hosted by Benny's Pet Depot, brings together animal lovers, rescue/shelter organizations, and other pet-related businesses and services for a day of fun! […]

BLRR at Barktoberfest

Promenade Saucon Valley 2845 Center Valley Parkway, Center Valley, PA, United States

We hope you will visit our booth at Barktoberfest sponsored by Promenade Saucon Valley to learn how you can make a difference by adopting, fostering, or volunteering with our rescue. […]