
Rex came to us from Brookline in October 2023. Rex’s silly personality really fits in with our family. He is fun loving, playful, silly and lately coming into his own. He is a big snuggler and super friendly with people, dogs and cats. My cat (mitter) adores him and Kody (my other boy) is a totally different dog around him. He wants to play and socialize more than before. Kody now has a pal that he can play and snuggle with! Even though Rex has been with us for a few months we already have some silly nicknames for him (The big Mama Luka and The Big Galute). Scott and I are so thankful and happy that Rex is part of our lives and he already has special place in our heart





Molly is a 2-year-old chocolate Lab that came into my life in September 2023. Right from the start, I said I was given an angel. I was told that she came from a farm and lived in two other houses before she was rescued by Brookline. I couldn’t understand why someone would give up this sweet dog. When I got her, Molly was already house trained. She was the star dog at the training class, picking up commands faster than any of the other dogs. I believe Molly’s success was the result of all the hard work of Molly’s foster mom, Deb. Deb worked with Molly for months before I got her. She housetrained her and taught her commands like sit and stay. She socialized Molly with other people and dogs. Deb was so concerned about Molly that she drove from New Jersey to Pennsylvania to make sure Molly felt comfortable with me and her new home.

Molly’s success and the success of all the dogs that come through Brookline is because of all the hard work of the forest parents. Without these dedicated men and women working endlessly to provide food, shelter, and love, Molly and dogs like her would not have the opportunity to find their forever home.



After losing our beloved Bella, we revisited Brookline where we first met Sue S. before a family member found our Bella for us. Sue was so professional, friendly, and sensitive to our needs. She spent lots of time with us as we started the process of finding another rescue to love. It was Sue who turned us on to an older dog that she felt would be a great fit even though we were looking at younger dogs. Joe, who became Mojo, hadn’t been fostered yet as this was a new entry for Brookline, and Sue jumped right on it in our best interest.


We picked up Mojo from his owner who was surrendering him through Brookline. We reviewed a few available Labs that were younger, but Sue recommended that we take an older dog since we are both in our 70s. Her insight into how Mojo would fit in our family was spot on. From his first day, it was as if he had been our dog for years. He is 6.5 years old but
acts like a much younger dog: playful, energetic, intelligent, and affectionate. He came to us well trained and obedient (for the most part). Mojo loves to be with “his people” rarely letting us out of his sight. We live on 10 acres in the country, so he gets lots of opportunities to watch critters and has taught the local squirrels to stay on their toes. He loves to sit on our deck and survey the yard for whatever passes through. We’re trying to get him to swim by slowly introducing him to our above-ground pool where he loves to play with a tennis ball at the edge, but he isn’t comfortable yet in the deep water. Although, he readily swims in Lake Nockamixon nearby when he can walk from shallow to deep water, but a sudden plunge into the pool will take some accommodation.


Brookline and Sue did us a great service and favor. Mojo is a great addition to our lives and such a gift for both of us. I’d recommend Brookline to anybody looking to adopt a Lab or Lab mix. They are professional and sensitive to the needs of both the dog and soon to be new rescue owners. We couldn’t be happier!!


a dog resting it's head on a blanket
At 5 years old, Princess-Tessa-Lucy was relinquished to Brookline from her breeding regimen on the farm because she had a mammary tumor. Thankfully, the tumor was benign and removed when she was spayed. Lucy’s infected ears were also treated at the same time.

Rescued from the life of a breeder, Lucy was emotionally drained – shut down from life. She was fostered by Lesley, a Brookline volunteer, who eventually matched her with us. Lesley gave her baths, helped Lucy learn to eat from a bowl, and got her well on her way with housebreaking. While in foster care, Lucy also began her long journey of socialization to humans and a whole new world.

dog laying on the porch on leash
Lesley said Lucy was the first dog she ever had that she had to entice to go for a walk. One day, while coaxing Lucy along, they ran into a family with another dog. Lucy’s tail started going crazy. During those few moments, Lucy was a completely different dog and Lesley knew, then, that a successful adoption meant that Lucy had to have another dog in her forever home.

At the time we adopted Lucy, we already had two, senior chocolate labs. Lucy was shy and a bit fearful of noisy children, but she immediately took to our two resident labs as well as every other dog she met. We like to believe our senior lab, Bailey (who loves and trusts everyone) has been most helpful with easing Lucy’s transition.

two dogs and one has a purple toy
Fast forward seven months from adoption and Lucy has continued to make progress in trusting us and everyone who visits us. We are working on treat enforced “clicker” training and helping her gain confidence and progress to taking walks on local public trails. She accepts the leash with less hesitation and is very gentle with her plush toys.

If your heart is open to give these wonderful former farm dogs a chance, please consider it. It’s heartwarming to watch a shy, low confidence dog ease out of her shell and have absolute joyful dog “zoomies” a few minutes each evening, then snuggle deeply into a warm, comfy bed.

dog napping on the floor with a toy
Be patient, be kind, be consistent and a farm dog can be a wonderful addition to your family, for you and for her. We LOVE our Lucy. Thank you to everyone at Brookline for all you do to help these dogs.


We want everyone to know that Daisy and I are both doing great.  Daisy is now 12. She was adopted three years ago after being rescued from the farm.  I was rescued in April and adopted by our Mom and Dad in May after Bear, their 13-year old chocolate Lab, crossed the rainbow bridge.


Both Daisy and I had way too many puppies. Neither of us lived inside a real home until Brookline came along. We now love long walks, warm fires, relaxing in the sun, and curling up together on our comfy beds. Even though we have our own bed, snuggling together is just something we love to do.


I want to thank everyone who helped Daisy and me find our way from our former life on the farm to a wonderful life with a family that loves us. Life is good.







Walker has settled in wonderfully.  We are definitely keeping him, not like there was any doubt…. He really loves his humans and fur sibling.  Still can’t believe how well he and Jameson get along.  Finally met the neighbor German Shepard.  She came to visit and they all played well together.  He wants to be everywhere Jameson is.  Also met the 2 little frenchies next door with no trouble.  He doesn’t like to be alone but did ok in the crate when I had to take Jameson to the vet.  His favorite silly thing to do is to bring his food dish into the living room.  Then he gets Jameson’s dish and brings that one too.  If the water is low enough in the water dish, he will bring that in too…
He has figured out how to jump in the vehicle (thank goodness) so I don’t have to lift him.  We had our first outing on Saturday.  Took him to meet my mom.  She is a tough sell but she loved him, said he could be a therapy dog he was that well behaved.  Then we went to our friends produce farm to pick out some flowers and have some ice cream.  Later that evening we went to the restaurant and dined on the patio.  He was a perfect angel and everyone loved him and wanted to know where we found him so Brookline got some good advertisement:).  I guess he is the new face of the restaurant (see sign photo).  That is our first lab (Murphy) we had back in the early 2000’s.
Walker stays right with us in the yard so I really don’t anticipate too much trouble as we work towards boundary training.  We got approval from the doggie daycare to bring Walker even though he isn’t fixed yet so we will try that once he gets his final distemper etc at the vet.  I just missed a training class that started on Saturday but the trainer said she had more in the works so hopefully we will get enrolled soon.
I want to thank you, Dee and Brookline in general for making this process so enjoyable.  We have rescued in the past and it was fine but it was much more “business” than focus on the dog getting in the right home.  Brookline clearly is focused on what’s best for the dog and finding them the right fit and a good home and the 2 week trial period is key.  We were fortunate and knew quickly that Walker was the one but it was nice knowing that we had some time to make sure it was going to work for Walker, Jameson and us.










We recently celebrated Dove’s one year gotcha day and we wanted to let you know how happy and grateful we are. She is our 4th Brookline girl. When we were ready to adopt after the sad loss of our dear Katie, we were hoping to adopt a small black or yellow senior female. Our wonderful volunteer Maija suggested that we consider 9 year old Dove who was an 85 pound chocolate retired farm girl. We trusted Maija and the rest is history.

Dove is a sweet, smart and funny girl. She is the perfect dog for us. We feel privileged to be her family and we are so grateful to Maija who wisely matched her with us and to Lesley who lovingly fostered her.

Thank you Brookline!

Ellen & Dave W.


Poppy came home with me on May 7, 2023.  I met Deb, my wonderful Brookline volunteers, and Theresa, Poppy’s fabulous foster mom, in Warminster and brought this precious puppy home.  I know that she was not officially adopted by me until May 20th, but I really did “get her” on May 7th.

She is easy to love and has been since she walked into her new home.  She has many canine and human friends in our neighborhood.  We walk with several different neighbors and dogs every day.  She enjoys play dates in our yard frequently.

Poppy needed to learn how to get along with my grand cat.  The cat is a frequent visitor in my home for short and long stretches of time.  She did this very well after being hissed at when she got too close to the cat.  Now the two of them sleep with me when he is here.  They do very well together, which is a great relief and gift to me.

Poppy completed two training classes.  She loves to learn and did very well.  It was hard for her to resist playing with her classmates but she learned that you can’t always play.  Sometimes there is work to do!

Poppy has traveled with me to visit family.  She has been as far as Vermont, spending time on Lake Champlain and loved playing in the lake.  She is not yet swimming but loves playing in water where she can touch bottom.  We have a baby pool for hot summer days that she also loves to splash in.

Her very favorite toy is her giggle ball.  This was a gift from a neighbor and has become her go-to toy.  She never tires of playing with it.  She retrieves it with gusto and also plays soccer with it if she has no playmate.  She also enjoys ripping a squeaker out of a squeaker toy as an evening activity.

Poppy goes to Bedminster Canine Kamp weekly on Tuesdays for half a day of camp.   She loves camp and comes home exhausted every week.  She is well like by the staff of BCK and they take great care of her.

I cannot imagine Poppy living with anyone else but me.  She is a joy to have in my life and keeps me active.  We walk daily and usually put in 5 – 6 miles over 3 walks.  She loves walking in the snow with friends and romping around the yard after a snowfall.

Yesterday afternoon, which was May 7th, Poppy was the guest of honor at a neighborhood canine gathering to celebrate her first year here with me.  I baked cupcakes (a safe canine recipe) that were shared with her friends.  It was a wonderful afternoon for Poppy running around with friends and having a special treat to celebrate one year.  She had a blast.

I thank you for my beautiful canine.  I am grateful to Deb and Theresa for their help with my finding Poppy and being matched with her.  Rest assured that she is cherished, safe and happy in her home.  The sweetest little girl I’ve ever had.

Black Labrador Retriever Black Labrador Retriever Black Labrador Retriever


Mya is settling into her forever home. Her eye is healed from her second surgery, and it looks almost 100 % normal.

She loves her new sister Ginger. They spend their days playing or napping next to each other.

After work and weekend are her favorite times !!  As soon as she hears words like park, hike,  beach walk her whole face lights up and she is totally ready to go on an adventure.

The weekend adventures to new places are her favorite she is always the 1st one in the car .

Mya’s new mom has found an amazing “cool dog” and hiking buddy .Yellow Labrador Retriever                                                     


May 2024 Update:

Mya has had a busy year. She had become a loved member of the family. She is a great walking/hiking buddy. Mya is always up for an adventure. The pictures attached included her 1st Adirondack hike near The Adirondack Lodge, frequent trips to the DE beaches, Christmas lights at Rose Tree park and a afternoon lounge on the back deck. She is an amazing dog.



Last year, we were devastated to lose our beloved 100-pound Lab named Koa, who was also a Brookline Rescue. We contacted Brookline to get approved for adoption and soon met a charming little black dog named Gracie. She won our hearts the moment we saw her. We were unsure how our 10-year-old rescue dog, Lola, would adjust to Gracie, but they hit it off from the start. Lola made it clear that she was the boss, but Gracie was quick to understand and the two became best friends. It’s amazing to see how Gracie knows not to play too rough with Lola and recognizes her as the boss of the entire house.

We consider ourselves incredibly lucky to have found Gracie. She’s a cuddle bug who loves to fall asleep in our laps, and she’s so lovable and adores all of us. She’s our Gracie Girl, and we feel that she’s the perfect fit for our family. She made herself right at home from the moment she arrived, and now we couldn’t imagine life without her. We absolutely love her!



As we reach the anniversary date of adopting Ginger, I just wanted to give you an update on how our sweet girl has progressed. Ginger’s foster, prior to placement in our home, was able to bring Ginger to a place where she was ready to try to trust new people. I am forever grateful for Ginger’s foster mom and to Brookline Labs.  It was a stressful transition for Ginger, however our dog Crash took on the responsibility of showing Ginger the ropes and making her feel safe and welcome very quickly.
Over the course of the past year, Ginger has come a long way. She is still very shy with people and sometimes overwhelmed with new experiences. We have learned to do activities at Ginger’s pace. Crash has learned this too. Ginger loves her daily walks and trips to the beach. Ginger loves meeting new dog friends. Ginger loves her puzzles and has finally shown her incredible intelligence to her family.  Ginger can get into trouble when she gets bored, hence the daily puzzles and walks. She loves her tennis balls and she loves to swim.  She has learned the commands stay and wait, but we are still working on sit and down as Ginger does not like these commands and can be very stubborn. Lol. Ginger has quite the personality now that she has more confidence.
Ginger has made tremendous strides, has learned to trust certain people and has confidence in her routine. There are still days when she struggles and she still has a long way to go to be a fully confident pup, but Crash will stay by her side as she continues to learn and trust. We love our Sweet Ginger.

Sugar N.K.A. Zoey

It has been just about 3 months since Zoey (Sugar) has been in our home. She is the sweetest, most gentle soul! We love her so much! She is a very shy girl but is now very comfortable with us. She never lets us out of her sight and I swear there are some days she would be in our pocket if she could!😀
When she first came she was not food motivated and that Lab wiggle and lean we were used to seeing in our other Labs was not present. Well that has all changed! In the beginning we had to put liverwurst in her food to get her to eat but now she lets us know if we are late for mealtime! She loves her treats and her occasional small vanilla DQ cone! She wiggles like crazy and she loves to lean against whomever is giving her attention.
She is still very timid when it comes to anyone outside our home but we are seeing improvement. She is very good with other dogs and loves riding in the car. She does not like to be left alone but we are working with a trainer to try to build her confidence. Her personality is slowly emerging and she is finally learning how to be a dog! Thank you Brookline for giving us this amazing girl!

Tabitha #2 (now Lola)

2 dogs sleeping on a dog bed together Lola and Marcy outside together

I wanted to send you and the Brookline Rescue group a huge THANK YOU!!! I can not express how thrilled I am that I was able to adopt Lola. She is everything I thought she would be!! I truly LOVE her. I am so appreciative of everyone that was involved in her rescue. She is doing great with her new fur brother and sister. I want to give a shout out to the Rescue for making my experience from start to finish most pleasurable. I am so thankful Brookline takes the time to interview, check references, etc and go through the process as they do. I wanted to give a special thanks to you as if it weren’t for you, I would not have been given the opportunity to be approved to adopt Lola. It has been great working with you and I know our Lola connection will not end here. I wanted to also thank Lola’s foster mom who cared for her the last few months and has always been available when I have had questions. There are so many labs that need to be rescued and I know Brookline is doing their share to help. I am so impressed with the Rescue that I would like to help/volunteer in any capacity that is needed. I am so grateful to have a Brookline Rescue Lab!! I wanted to send some pictures of Lola with her new brother and sister.

3 dogs on the stairs smiling

Fudge #2

Two Girls Hanging Out for The Day by Beauty and Fudge

Hi, Lab Lovers. We are Beauty and Fudge. We live in the country with two nice senior citizens. Beauty came to our family in 2021 and Fudge has been here for about two months. Our new family lives in the country with lots of things to see and smell. Our home is surrounded by lots of trees, small critters, and an occasional human walking or driving by.
Both of us lived on a farm before we got our new home. We had lots of puppies. Our new mom and dad told us those days are over! They told us we are “retired,” just like them. It is quiet and peaceful in our neighborhood. We each have our own bed, though Beauty likes to sleep with our mom before she settles into her bed. It’s funny…we are fed twice a day like clockwork, we go out for walks several times a day, get our nails done, have spa days…it’s great! Mom tells Dad that he gives us too many treats but Dad says he can’t resist our love “eyes.” Best of all we can have scratches, belly rubs, cuddle, and pets all day long. Dad says we hit the jackpot. We sure did.
A lady named Val helped to get us off the farm and to our new home. A lady named Liz also helped Beauty. We learned soon after we got here that two other ladies, Jan and Karen, helped Tootsie and Twila to live here until they crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Sometimes Mom and Dad call us by the wrong names. That’s ok. We know how much they love us.

Marley #14

Marley would like to thank everyone from the rescue and kennel who helped her get to her forever home! She has been here about 2 months and now lives with another former Brookline farm dog and a 15 year old lab. She got along fine right from the start with our older lab and it took her and our younger lab a week or so to accept living together but now they are thick as thieves! Marley is loving life in a home and thrives on having a daily routine and consistency. As it seems with a lot of other former farm dogs, she has some quirks but she is very smart and is treat/praise motivated and listens well. She has learned some basic commands, is whistle trained and knows to wait for her food. She has always been pretty good on a leash. She is a work in progress on curbing her desire to steal dinner off the kitchen counters (partly our fault if we are still leaving food out😄) and also in meeting new people, especially men. They generally scare her. She is getting used to the men that regularly visit us. This will take time and patience (and lots of treats) and we continually work with her. She loves women and generally warms up to them quickly. She loves being with us and she loves being outside. She is a big goofball and fits in perfectly with our family. We enjoy working with her to help her further acclimate to house life! We are so happy that we have her here. Marley makes us laugh every day!